Tuesday, November 26, 2013


From: 1whoknows@msn.com Subject: The Real Thanksgiving Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 04:58:21 -0600 They didn't tell you the truth in school. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The national observance of Thanksgiving Day has nothing to do with the Pilgrims. President Lincoln instituted the observance of Thanksgiving Day in 1863. Click on the link below, then read the story below it that tells what really happened between the Indians and the European invaders. Thanksgiving Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln http://showcase.netins.net/web/creative/lincoln/speeches/thanks.htm Kirkland Burke During March 1623 Myles Standish lured two Chiefs to a meeting then murdered them. The picture of the monument, erected by the Weymouth Historical Commission, depicts how the town of Weymouth, Mass, takes pride in his barbaric deed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever wondered why so-called Native Americans don't celebrate "Thanksgiving"? The Real Thanksgiving Quoted from: The Hidden History of Massachusetts Much of America's understanding of the early relationship between the Indian and the European is conveyed through the story of Thanksgiving. Proclaimed a holiday in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln, this fairy tale of a feast was allowed to exist in the American imagination pretty much untouched until 1970, the 350th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims. That is when Frank B. James, president of the Federated Eastern Indian League, prepared a speech for a Plymouth banquet that exposed the Pilgrims for having committed, among other crimes, the robbery of the graves of the Wampanoags. He wrote: "We welcomed you, the white man, with open arms, little knowing that it was the beginning of the end; that before 50 years were to pass, the Wampanoag would no longer be a free people." But white Massachusetts officials told him he could not deliver such a speech and offered to write him another. Instead, James declined to speak, and on Thanksgiving Day hundreds of Indians from around the country came to protest. It was the first National Day of Mourning, a day to mark the losses Native Americans suffered as the early settlers prospered. This true story of "Thanksgiving" is what whites did not want Mr. James to tell. What Really Happened in Plymouth in 1621? According to a single-paragraph account in the writings of one Pilgrim, a harvest feast did take place in Plymouth in 1621, probably in mid-October, but the Indians who attended were not even invited. Though it later became known as "Thanksgiving," the Pilgrims never called it that. And amidst the imagery of a picnic of interracial harmony is some of the most terrifying bloodshed in New World history. The Pilgrim crop had failed miserably that year, but the agricultural expertise of the Indians had produced twenty acres of corn, without which the Pilgrims would have surely perished. The Indians often brought food to the Pilgrims, who came from England ridiculously unprepared to survive and hence relied almost exclusively on handouts from the overly generous Indians-thus making the Pilgrims the western hemisphere's first class of welfare recipients. The Pilgrims invited the Indian sachem Massasoit to their feast, and it was Massasoit, engaging in the tribal tradition of equal sharing, who then invited ninety or more of his Indian brothers and sisters-to the annoyance of the 50 or so ungrateful Europeans. No turkey, cranberry sauce or pumpkin pie was served; they likely ate duck or geese and the venison from the 5 deer brought by Massasoit. In fact, most, if notall, of the food was most likely brought and prepared by the Indians, whose 10,000-year familiarity with the cuisine of the region had kept the whites alive up to that point. The Pilgrims wore no black hats or buckled shoes-these were the silly inventions of artists hundreds of years since that time. These lower-class Englishmen wore brightly colored clothing, with one of their church leaders recording among his possessions "1 paire of greene drawers." Contrary to the fabricated lore of storytellers generations since, no Pilgrims prayed at the meal, and the supposed good cheer and fellowship must have dissipated quickly once the Pilgrims brandished their weaponry in a primitive display of intimidation. What's more, the Pilgrims consumed a good deal of home brew. In fact, each Pilgrim drank at least a half gallon of beer a day, which they preferred even to water. This daily inebriation led their governor, William Bradford, to comment on his people's "notorious sin," which included their "drunkenness and uncleanliness" and rampant "sodomy"... The Pilgrims of Plymouth, The Original Scalpers Contrary to popular mythology the Pilgrims were no friends to the local Indians. They were engaged in a ruthless war of extermination against their hosts, even as they falsely posed as friends. Just days before the alleged Thanksgiving love-fest, a company of Pilgrims led by Myles Standish actively sought to chop off the head of a local chief. They deliberately caused a rivalry between two friendly Indians, pitting one against the other in an attempt to obtain "better intelligence and make them both more diligent." An 11-foot-high wall was erected around the entire settlement for the purpose of keeping the Indians out. Any Indian who came within the vicinity of the Pilgrim settlement was subject to robbery, enslavement, or even murder. The Pilgrims further advertised their evil intentions and white racial hostility, when they mounted five cannons on a hill around their settlement, constructed a platform for artillery, and then organized their soldiers into four companies-all in preparation for the military destruction of their friends the Indians. Pilgrim Myles Standish eventually got his bloody prize. He went to the Indians, pretended to be a trader, then beheaded an Indian man named Wituwamat. He brought the head to Plymouth, where it was displayed on a wooden spike for many years, according to Gary B. Nash, "as a symbol of white power." Standish had the Indian man's young brother hanged from the rafters for good measure. From that time on, the whites were known to the Indians of Massachusetts by the name "Wotowquenange," which in their tongue meant cutthroats and stabbers. Who Were the "Savages"? The myth of the fierce, ruthless Indian savage lusting after the blood of innocent Europeans must be vigorously dispelled at this point. In actuality, the historical record shows that the very opposite was true. Once the European settlements stabilized, the whites turned on their hosts in a brutal way. The once amicable relationship was breeched again and again by the whites, who lusted over the riches of Indian land. A combination of the Pilgrims' demonization of the Indians, the concocted mythology of Eurocentric historians, and standard Hollywood propaganda has served to paint the gentle Indian as a tomahawk-swinging savage endlessly on the warpath, lusting for the blood of the God-fearing whites. But the Pilgrims' own testimony obliterates that fallacy. The Indians engaged each other in military contests from time to time, but the causes of "war," the methods, and the resulting damage differed profoundly from the European variety: o Indian "wars" were largely symbolic and were about honor, not about territory or extermination. o "Wars" were fought as domestic correction for a specific act and were ended when correction was achieved. Such action might better be described as internal policing. The conquest or destruction of whole territories was a European concept. o Indian "wars" were often engaged in by family groups, not by whole tribal groups, and would involve only the family members. o A lengthy negotiation was engaged in between the aggrieved parties before escalation to physical confrontation would be sanctioned. Surprise attacks were unknown to the Indians. o It was regarded as evidence of bravery for a man to go into "battle" carrying no weapon that would do any harm at a distance-not even bows and arrows. The bravest act in war in some Indian cultures was to touch their adversary and escape before he could do physical harm. o The targeting of non-combatants like women, children, and the elderly was never contemplated. Indians expressed shock and repugnance when the Europeans told, and then showed, them that they considered women and children fair game in their style of warfare. o A major Indian "war" might end with less than a dozen casualties on both sides. Often, when the arrows had been expended the "war" would be halted. The European practice of wiping out whole nations in bloody massacres was incomprehensible to the Indian. According to one scholar, "The most notable feature of Indian warfare was its relative innocuity." European observers of Indian wars often expressed surprise at how little harm they actually inflicted. "Their wars are far less bloody and devouring than the cruel wars of Europe," commented settler Roger Williams in 1643. Even Puritan warmonger and professional soldier Capt. John Mason scoffed at Indian warfare: "[Their] feeble manner...did hardly deserve the name of fighting." Fellow warmonger John Underhill spoke of the Narragansetts, after having spent a day "burning and spoiling" their country: "no Indians would come near us, but run from us, as the deer from the dogs." He concluded that the Indians might fight seven years and not kill seven men. Their fighting style, he wrote, "is more for pastime, than to conquer and subdue enemies." All this describes a people for whom war is a deeply regrettable last resort. An agrarian people, the American Indians had devised a civilization that provided dozens of options all designed to avoid conflict--the very opposite of Europeans, for whom all-out war, a ferocious bloodlust, and systematic genocide are their apparent life force. Thomas Jefferson--who himself advocated the physical extermination of the American Indian--said of Europe, "They [Europeans] are nations of eternal war. All their energies are expended in the destruction of labor, property and lives of their people." Puritan Holocaust By the mid 1630s, a new group of 700 even holier Europeans calling themselves Puritans had arrived on 11 ships and settled in Boston-which only served to accelerate the brutality against the Indians. In one incident around 1637, a force of whites trapped some seven hundred Pequot Indians, mostly women, children, and the elderly, near the mouth of the Mystic River. Englishman John Mason attacked the Indian camp with "fire, sword, blunderbuss, and tomahawk." Only a handful escaped and few prisoners were taken-to the apparent delight of the Europeans: To see them frying in the fire, and the streams of their blood quenching the same, and the stench was horrible; but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave praise thereof to God. This event marked the first actual Thanksgiving. In just 10 years 12,000 whites had invaded New England, and as their numbers grew they pressed for all-out extermination of the Indian. Euro-diseases had reduced the population of the Massachusett nation from over 24,000 to less than 750; meanwhile, the number of European settlers in Massachusetts rose to more than 20,000 by 1646. By 1675, the Massachusetts Englishmen were in a full-scale war with the great Indian chief of the Wampanoags, Metacomet. Renamed "King Philip" by the white man, Metacomet watched the steady erosion of the lifestyle and culture of his people as European-imposed laws and values engulfed them. In 1671, the white man had ordered Metacomet to come to Plymouth to enforce upon him a new treaty, which included the humiliating rule that he could no longer sell his own land without prior approval from whites. They also demanded that he turn in his community's firearms. Marked for extermination by the merciless power of a distant king and his ruthless subjects, Metacomet retaliated in 1675 with raids on several isolated frontier towns. Eventually, the Indians attacked 52 of the 90 New England towns, destroying 13 of them. The Englishmen ultimately regrouped, and after much bloodletting defeated the great Indian nation, just half a century after their arrival on Massachusetts soil. Historian Douglas Edward Leach describes the bitter end: The ruthless executions, the cruel sentences...were all aimed at the same goal-unchallengeable white supremacy in southern New England. That the program succeeded is convincingly demonstrated by the almost complete docility of the local native ever since. When Captain Benjamin Church tracked down and murdered Metacomet in 1676, his body was quartered and parts were "left for the wolves." The great Indian chief's hands were cut off and sent to Boston and his head went to Plymouth, where it was set upon a pole on the real first "day of public Thanksgiving for the beginning of revenge upon the enemy." Metacomet's nine-year-old son was destined for execution because, the whites reasoned, the offspring of the devil must pay for the sins of their father. The child was instead shipped to the Caribbean to spend his life in slavery. As the Holocaust continued, several official Thanksgiving Days were proclaimed. Governor Joseph Dudley declared in 1704 a "General Thanksgiving"-not in celebration of the brotherhood of man-but for [God's] infinite Goodness to extend His Favors...In defeating and disappointing... the Expeditions of the Enemy [Indians] against us, And the good Success given us against them, by delivering so many of them into our hands... Just two years later one could reap a ££50 reward in Massachusetts for the scalp of an Indian-demonstrating that the practice of scalping was a European tradition. According to one scholar, "Hunting redskins became...a popular sport in New England, especially since prisoners were worth good money..." THANKS AND LOVE FROM THE EMPOWERMENT EXPERIMENT FAMILY! Give thanks and love the EE way this holiday season. Thank you for making The Empowerment Experiment (EE) - that unforgettable year, that stand living off Black businesses, that small testament to the greatness of our community, that tiny tribute to the struggles and triumphs of our ancestors, that brief reminder that our prosperity and promise begins where and when their suffering ends, that mere glimmer of the power and potential we all have to change the world - a wonderful dream come true! Thanks to all our businesses, supporters, tour hosts, partners - our new EE family - for keeping that dream alive. We give thanks. We share our love, our faith, our purpose, and our prayer that you too will see the blessing, beauty and bounty behind the 'burden' of supporting each other. Maggie Anderson and Family www.OurBlackYear.com

Monday, October 28, 2013

Atty. Marilyn Rowley What a Will Does and Dr. Maya Angelou

Today's Modern Food: It's not what you think - Part 1 of 2

super foods

Ready - Set - GoFundMe! Help us to get this long-awaited book into print! Our go fund me campaign is setting out to raise $12,500 in 30 days toward printing 5000 copies of this cutting edge research. This book could save your life! LIVING SUPERFOOD RESEARCH: Unleash Your Miracle with Full-Spectrum Hyper Nutrition America leads the industrialized world in an explosion of preventable diseases. A large swath of the nation's population has become morbidly sick while government agencies seem to act as if this is all fault of the individual and has no correspondence to a culture of corporate irresponsibility and profiting from our sickness. At a point people have to realize that we must take responsibility to save ourselves from committing "chewicide." A persistent problem remains that the food that many are eating negatively impacts basic brain function and intelligence. Commercial advertising has for decades been based not upon logic and practicality, but has appealed to illogical, deeply-rooted emotions and superficial motivations. Our first step is to come back to our senses and recognize that there is a difference between healthy food and that which sustains deadly profits. We have more accurate scientific information than ever before on how the body systems function together and the role of full-spectrum nutrition in optimizing these systems. We know now beyond dispute that superfoods with their incredible density of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients and healthy fats will allow us to excuse ourselves from these trends toward widespread epidemics of preventable diseases. We have the tools to beat back the merchants of death and to interrupt the premature arrival of the Grim Reaper and these corporate zombies. The power is now in our hands and we have been armed with the most powerful zombie killing weapons imaginable. It's the food.... It's the food. Keidi Awadu / The Conscious Rasta Report Visit GoFundMe.com to make a contribution Click here to view the table of contents (PDF) Living Superfood Reasearch GoFundMe Appeal BREAKING NEWS: After our first day we stand at 6% of our goal. This shows that this can undeniably be accomplished. I really need YOUR help to buy the book in advance (while getting some AWESOME bonuses) and to share this email with your circle of associates. Let's do this to strengthen our families and communities. Make your pledge now!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

update on missing baby!

We really need your help on this one! So please take a moment to read and PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW/LIKE/DON'T LIKE! THE FAMILY of Mary Shelton and Mrs. Lillie greatly appreciate it! Sept. 2013 How would you feel if you discovered your baby brother was missing? How would you feel if you didn't even know his name? I recently interviewed a young woman whose baby brother was born into a biracial family (mom black, father white) who was stolen at birth in 1944, born within 3-7 days of day on birth certificate. ( Sept. 7th) A male Black baby born within those dates may be someone you know. Why are the dates so iffy? Long story short, the baby boy was born in Detroit Michigan to a hearing impaired mother and father, where doctors/nurses deemed mother unfit because of her hearing impairment. The Doctor (unknown) and the Midwife (D. Burton) said that since both parents are deaf, that she should just GO HOME AND HAVE ANOTHER ONE! How Cruel is that? Deaf people didn't have any rights. They hardly have any in North Carolina now…in this day and age. This is one of the reasons why she moved her mom to Ohio. Her doctor is convinced that had she had the baby in NC they would have taken the bay, and sterilized her. A common NC practice. The Mother, Mrs. Lillie Jones, recently turned 100 years young! She has no idea if her son is even alive. The daughter, Mary Shelton, came to Chicago to be on HLN-TV Show to see if we could help. I told her the Gospel Community is one that helps its own. So I am calling on you to share this news with everyone you know in Chicago, Detroit (Wayne Diagnostic Hospital/Detroit Michigan) that no longer exists. It was the only place where NEGROES were allowed to have a baby back then on the east side of Detroit. This young man who may be around the age of 69, and look like the lady in the photo. (WheresMyBrother.com and http://hln-tv.blogspot.com) He may or may not be hearing impaired. He may have abandonment issues. He may be the person you see everyday or once in a while and you don't speak, because of whatever reason. He might be your relative. Shake that family tree and see what falls! In the meantime, when you do see him, contact them via the website WheresMyBrother.com and be sure and put in the subject line “missing baby”. Corey Friedman is the Investigating Agent at Nick Harris Detectives. Here are a few facts to pay attention to: 1. It will be a male who is/was either adopted or just felt like they something is different or they don’t resemble either parent. 2. They might have certain characteristic as (Mary) in regards to the nose, eyes, stature, etc. See if there is a resemblance to someone they know who is biracial. 4. Consider a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle.  5. Consider if the person has a disability/hearing impaired, etc.  6. Living in the state of Michigan  7. Does anyone know of the doctor on the birth certificate? Maybe a former nurse or family member.  8. Does anyone remember or know anyone who worked at that hospital?  9. Does anyone know of any archived birth and adoption records from  that year in that area or from that  hospital?  10. Does anyone have access to old newspaper archives from within 3 weeks of the birth in hopes of any birth   announcements? Keep in mind the person might think that they were a home birth and NOT HAVE A BIRTH CERTIFICATE or had a birth certificate established later in life. I know this is a lot of information, but just keep it in mind. God will bless you eternally for helping Mary Shelton locate her brother stolen at birth! HLN-TV will also do a feature on you and your crew, when you discover him. God has given us this mission, let us not disappoint. Call all your relatives in the state of Michigan and start the phone tree, so we can help this 100 year old mom meet the son who was stolen from her at birth! We need your help. Thank you in advance! Please share this message with your network of friends/family/co-workers: www.facebook.com/HlnTvShow Until next time, stay on purpose, stay empowered, stay tuned to higher learning! Zelda Robinson-Hogues, CSP, DMT Speaker/Trainer/Author/Publisher/Media Personality Producer/Host, CLTV/HLN-TV Higher Learning Network TV Show &
 MEN on Higher Learning TV Show

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Learning from the voices in my head

The book N'Spirational Conversations (Vol. 1 & 2) include a page of poetry on this subject, called the COMMITTEE. Your committee is your inner voice. I believe in listening to some of those voices, especially the higher self voice. I thought this would be something interesting to hear. TALK OF THE WEEK Eleanor Longden: Learning from the voices in my head

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

caught up?

Are our thoughts really magnetic?
Can we really use our minds to draw to us, what we truly desire?
You be the judge.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8vDhx2D01gc?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Monday, July 15, 2013

After the Verdict - Here is a Plan for Action We Can Use

As I listen to mass media, as well as progressive media, in the aftermath of the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's killer, I detect that the predictable pattern of reactionary non-resolution is in place. I have long contended that contemporary African American leadership is NOT creative and is very limited in it's conception of what really does matter in the world of social progress for the group. Even the liberal media is bringing forward soft and non-threatening dialogues which follow the same footprint of wimpy civil rights proposals.

Join me today on www.LIBRadio.com from 8 AM PST / 11 AM EST / 3 PM GMT as I attempt to demonstrate a new kind of post-trauma conflict response. I will lay out a list of over 4 different actions that we could engage which would result in a completely different direction for the group. We often cite Albert Einstein's quotation: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

You can be assured that we will be advocating some radically different measures to bring some measure of "justice" to Trayvon's eternal name, his family and to the generation which is grieving the judicial lynching of this young man and so many others.
Keidi Awadu
Visit Living In Black at: http://livinginblack.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

Monday, July 8, 2013

does the FDA have us all fooled?


Is it really a vegetable?
Should we be eating  or juicing it?
You be the judge.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/swojBQoCEhM?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Monday, July 1, 2013

Two of the Best Graduation Speeches Ever...

Two of the Best Graduation Speeches Ever to Young Black Men In America  
(Delivered at the Mass Black Male Graduation) by  
Attorney Thomas N. Todd 
and Lupe Fiasco
Thomas N. "T.N.T." Todd (Photo by Guy Rhodes - For Sun-Times Media
"I don't care how smart your smartphone is, I don't care how great your technology is, I don't care what you have - You still cannot download freedom!!! You must work to be free! Education has always made the difference for us."

Attorney Thomas N. Todd
Two of the Best Graduation Speeches Ever to Young Black Men In America  
(Delivered at the Mass Black Male Graduation) by  
Attorney Thomas N. Todd 
and Lupe Fiasco
"Congratulations, you have graduated from one of the most terrible, substandard school systems in the entire world. You have just spent the last . . . 12 years receiving one of the worst educations on earth. You are at least four, five steps behind people in other countries that are younger than you."
Lupe Fiasco

Monday, June 17, 2013

are you an immigrant?

This article is courtesy of 


Immigrants Are Black Too

Contributing Correspondent: Bryan Echols
This past weekend I was able to facilitate a forum between African immigrants/refugee leaders and "native born" (us) leaders to discuss racial justice and among other things immigration. Did you know that there are currently some 400, 000 Black people facing deportation? Most of these individuals come from various countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America. These people are our neighbors, business owners, hair braiders, cabdrivers, teachers, professors, computer engineers and good family people who strive to build strong black families and communities.
Like most people, you may not think of these individuals when it comes to the push for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) and that is not by accident. When the "Gang of 8" drafted legislation for CIR they only had our brothers and sisters south of the border in mind. When you ask most individuals, "What face is the first face that you see when it comes to an immigrant?" Most will answer "Mexicans." When the "G8" drafted legislation around CIR, it was done on behalf of corporate benefits.
As you know, there are many manufacturing and agricultural corporations who exploit people of color from south of our borders. This is done because they know their workers will often work under sub-standard work conditions, minimum wages and often will not organize against their employers. Some employers admit to paying these individuals under the table and sometimes not even at all. Employers may even threaten to call immigration, which is often a tactic used if an employee becomes to assertive for their basic human rights. But when it comes to African immigrants and Black immigrants, the education levels and the desire to organize are literally night and day. African immigrants are the highest educated immigrant population according to the United States Census Bureau statics and demographics. These individuals often come on student visas.
Now that the bill has moved to the Senate floor for debates, here are a few components that need to be addressed in order to satisfy Black immigrants and their native-born allies. According to the United African Organization in Chicago, these components are:
  1. Inclusion of the Diversity Visa Program, which makes 50,000 diversity visas available annually from a random selection among entries of individuals who are from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. It came as a real shock that the "Gang of 8" eliminated this small but highly significant program for African and Caribbean immigrants. In 2011, more than 100,000 Africans became legal permanent residents and some 24,000 benefited from this program.
  2. Temporary Protected Status (TPS) - a status that is given to nationals who come from countries in current turmoil or conflict and because of that, they cannot return home. Nationals from Mali are a good example. We call for permanent residency for all Haitians, Sudanese, South Sudanese, Somalis and other TPS holders to be included in the final CIR bill.
  3. Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) - certain Liberians were provided 18 months after September 30, 2007 by President Bush to offer these individuals work authorization and it was recently extended by President Obama. We call for immediate permanent residency for DED holders to be included in a final CIR bill.
According to Policy Link, America will be a majority people of color by the year 2040 and this is potentially one of the reasons that we are closing our borders to people of color. Our Congressman Bobby Rush along with the Congressional Black Caucus have agreed to stand in solidarity with our Black immigrant population, by not voting for the bill if it does not include diversity visa program.
Call Senators Dick Durbin (D), 202-224-2152; Mark Kirk (R), 202-224-2854; Congressmen Bobby Rush, 1st District, 202-225-4372; Danny Davis, 7th District, 202-225-5006; Jan Shakowsky, 9th District, 202-225-211 and Luis Guitierrez, 4th District,202-225-8203. Tell them that the diversity visa lottery and permanent residency for those on temporary protected status (TPS) and deferred enforced departure (DED) are essential and need to be included in the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill. Peace. Love. Light.
(Bryan, consultant, human rights activist and President/CEO, Concerned Black Men Chicago. Reached Echols, atbe.consulting3@gmail.com)
bruce mont
Bruce Eric Montgomery


Obama Unveils Digital Initiative

Special Correspondent: Bruce Montgomery
President Obama today unveiled a bold, new initiative called ConnectED to connect 99 percent of America’s students to the internet through high-speed broadband and high-speed wireless within 5 years; calling on the FCC to modernize and leverage its existing E-Rate program to meet that goal. The President also directed the federal government to make better use of existing funds to get Internet connectivity and educational technology into classrooms, and into the hands of teachers trained on its advantages.
And he called on businesses, states, districts, schools and communities to support this vision. This ambitious initiative does not require Congressional action. “We are living in a digital age, and to help our students get ahead, we must make sure they have access to cutting-edge technology,” said President Obama. “So today, I’m issuing a new challenge for America – one that families, businesses, school districts and the federal government can rally around together – to connect virtually every student in America’s classrooms to high-speed broadband internet within five years, and equip them with the tools to make the most of it.”
Preparing America’s students with the skills they need to get good jobs and compete with countries around the world will rely increasingly on interactive, individualized learning experiences driven by new technology. But today, millions of students lack high-speed broadband access and fewer than 20 percent of educators say their school’s Internet connection meets their teaching needs.
ConnectED will bring high-speed Internet within their reach, with a particular benefit for urban and rural communities that have lagged behind in connectivity. In addition to connecting America’s students, ConnectED harnesses the ingenuity of the American private sector get new technologies into students’ hands and support digital learning content. ConnectED will also invests existing federal funds to ensure that every educator in America receives support and training in using education technology tools to improve student learning.
(Bruce, founder, producer & host, Technology Access Television attatvshow@yahoo.com or www.TechAccessTV.com)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

job fair

Chicago’s 13th Annual Diversity Employment Day Career Fair
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
11AM – 3PM
The Congress Plaza Hotel & Convention Center
520 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605

Professional Attire & Resumes REQUIRED. This is a free event.